Marine Bioinformatics Platform

About us

SeBiMER - Marine Bioinformatics Platform

SeBiMER is the marine bioinformatics core facilities operated by Ifremer, the French National Institute for Ocean Science.

A team of engineers is in charge of providing a large community of marine biologists with all the requirements (knowledge, software and data) to handle small- and large-scale bioinformatics projects, mostly in three main fields: metabarcoding and metagenomics (eDNA), (meta-)transcriptomics and genomes assembly & annotation.

Biogenouest logo SeBiMER is member of Biogenouest, the network of technological core facilities of the Western France in life sciences and the environment.

As an open core facilities, SeBiMER can provide technical and scientific support to bioinformatics projects out of Ifremer.

SeBiMER operates all bioinformatics activities on DATARMOR supercomputer hosted at Ifremer.

Our missions

The platform’s missions are organized in four poles:


Involvement in research projects to provide technical, scientific and data analysis expertises.

System and software engineering

Design of new tools and data analysis workflows optimized for high performance computing.

Platform management

Bioinformatics data management and software installation & configuration on DATARMOR supercomputer.


Bioinformatics training covering the above fields.

Project support

The SeBiMER team is involved in many projects

Genome assembly

Example of recent projects


Example with recent projects


Example with recent projects.


Example with recent projects

Data management

FAIR bioinformatics data management

Workflow engineering

Pipelines created by SeBiMER

Software engineering

Softwares contributed by SeBiMER


The Galaxy platform at Ifremer


SeBiMER training catalog

Genome catalog

Catalog of omics resources for Ifremer model organisms


SeBiMER publications and contributions

SeBiMER Team

Patrick Durand

Director, Bioinformatics PhD

Developper, data management, Java, container

Laura Leroi

Bioinformatics engineer

Galaxy Admin, data management, git, IT automation system, python

Cyril Noel

Bioinformatics PhD

Metabarcoding, metagenomics, statistics, transcriptomics, workflow, R

Alexandre Cormier

Bioinformatics PhD

Genome assembly and annotation, phylogenomics, transcriptomics, data processing, python, git

Pauline Auffret

Bioinformatics engineer

Developper, workflow, data management, transcriptomics, Nextflow

David Goudenège

Bioinformatics PhD

Genome annotation, comparative genomics, phylogenomics, variant calling, developper, python, bash

Marie Jossé

Bioinformatics engineer

Galaxy, developper, cloud, python, git

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Research teams of French research institutes such as Ifremer, INRAe, CNRS, Université de Montpellier, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour.

    Among foreign parterns, we collaborate with researchers from the University of Würzburg (Germany), University of Laval (Canada), University of Minnesota (USA), Texas State University (USA).

  • Ifremer and affiliate labs can contact us directly using our helpdesk email address.

    Others, please use the form below to contact the SeBiMER team.


Contact Us


Centre Ifremer Bretagne - ZI de la pointe du diable

CS 10070 - 29280 Plouzané, France